How To Reduce Your Cybersecurity Risk

It’s a scary world out there.

The Internet of Things (IOT) is here — and warp-speed advances in technology is causing it to grow by leaps and bounds. We see it both in manufacturing and in our everyday lives. Our fridges can remind us of what to pick up at the store. Doctors can check on patient data from around the world. We can know in advance when bridges will fail. The possibilities are seemingly endless.

The flip side is that having devices without proper security is incredibly dangerous. Many of today’s life-saving devices are connected and at risk of being hacked. Left unheeded, the potential human and financial losses are enormous.

MMTC is here to help

In a networked world, no one can afford to go it alone. Cyber-attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and frequent, with a reported 4,000 attacks on small businesses each day. That’s why Protomatic is a member of the MMTC (Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center), an organization dedicated to supporting Michigan manufacturers.

Why we all need the MMTC

  • Perhaps most importantly, the MMTC has designed a program that conducts cybersecurity assessment of businesses as they pertain to the NIST cybersecurity framework.
  • The MMTC has assembled a team of cybersecurity experts to determine if a manufacturer is compliant with the requirements described in NIST Special Publication 800-171. This is critical because all Department of Defense contractors must meet the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) minimum cybersecurity standards or risk losing federal contracts.
  • The MMTC can assist businesses in keeping updated with industry best practices. It can also be involved in new equipment installation and evaluation of cyber risk.
  • Many businesses simply do not have the talent available to implement cyber improvements. This can be due to no need for a full-time employee, or the person would be too expensive.


All businesses know the importance of Return on Investment. Regarding cybersecurity, however, Return on Risk (ROR) definitely comes into play. Think of how much could you lose if your business were successfully hacked. In this case, it is wise to look at cybersecurity in insurance terms. Much as insurance is a safety net against hurricanes, floods, fire, and other disasters, investing in cybersecurity may not bring in money. But it can certainly prevent losing it. A lot of it.

Protomatic is actively involved

Earlier this month, Protomatic VP/General Manager Doug Wetzel was part of a a virtual meeting in Washington DC with Mike Coast, President of MMTC, and Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan. Doug attended to strongly advocate continued funding for Cybersecurity for the State of Michigan. This is the third time in three years that he has lent his support to the critical non-partisan issue of protecting Intellectual Property and processes.

Along with investing in cybersercurity, Protomatic is DFARS (ITAR) licensed, and certified by AS9100D, ISO-9001:2015, and ISO-13485,2016.

It’s time to act

As systems are becoming more complex and more dependent on computers and increased automated oversight, now is the time to protect your business from a malware-induced slowdown or shutdown. As a precision CNC shop with emphasis on the medical and aerospace industries, Protomatic has found the MMTC to be a great resource. Having access to the latest cybersecurity tools is part of our dedication to Life-Saving Precision in everything we do.

About the author: Doug Wetzel is Vice President and General Manager of Protomatic. Protomatic is a CNC precision machining shop specializing in prototype and short-run production components for the medical, aerospace and other technical industries. Because of the critical nature of the parts they design and manufacture, the emphasis is always on Life-Saving Precision.